Can Donald Trump Just Open the Government Again

Last calendar week I received an invitation to listen to Donald Trump discuss immigration at my favorite hotel the Arizona Biltmore. It was to exist an intimate gathering of 500.
Information technology "sold out" immediately. Then I was notified that it may be moved due to keen demand for tickets.

It became a hot topic that "The Donald" was coming to Phoenix.
Little did I know that the "intimate gathering" would turn out to be a huge rally involving over x,000 Americans, half of the Phoenix Police department and 50 to 100 illegals protesting the "The Donald" was Satan incarnate.

First a little background. A few weeks ago Donald appear that he was running for President again. At the time I thought information technology was just another ploy to promote the next flavour of "The Amateur". His NBC reality Telly show.
During his announcement he made some comments that the Mexican regime was not sending their "best" citizens to cross the border. He made a true argument that murderers, rapists, drug runners and other criminals were coming across the edge in record numbers. All of this is true. Notwithstanding the liberal media took him out of context and quoted him as saying "all Mexicans were murders, rapists and criminals.  This created a huge firestorm not merely from the liberal press just besides the establishment GOP who are terrified of not being politically right and not wanting to offend the Hispanic voters.

But something unexpected happened. Donald hit the nail on the caput and articulated what millions of Americans are thinking and feeling. Millions of Americans of all walks of life are ill of the illegal border crossings and the millions coming across the border illegally to have advantage of the American taxpayer. This is made even worse past President Obama telling Dept of Homeland Security not to enforce our immigration laws. Our open border policy and sanctuary cities are providing a have for all the criminals coming in and committing crimes. At the same time in that location have been several high profile murders of Americans past illegal aliens who have been protected by liberal cities, courts and communities. Repeat offenders all who were non deported even after committing crimes in the Us.

It seems that in a perfect tempest Donald Trump was there to fill the void. In a few curt weeks he has get a top contender in almost all the polls and winning the latest poll in North Carolina over Jeb Bush.

Now I do not know about you, but I am disgusted with the political process in Washington. The Constitution has been ripped to shreds by the current administration and the courts. Republican who agree bulk on the House and Senate are not keeping their promises. To get elected they talked all tough most change and belongings Obama and the democrats accountable for the lies and crimes they committed. Only now that they have been elected they are acting weak and spineless not wanting to offend anyone. I for one am sick of it. In my opinion the Republican party as nosotros know it needs to be burned downward. No way in hell should we have some other Bush Clinton race. No longer tin we permit Boehner and the Republican "establishment" to make up one's mind who the Republican candidate will exist. In my opinion most of America what I call the "silent majority" wants and needs change. Merely how is this done?

By finding an "outsider" who tin capture the imagination of the people. Someone who is not afraid of upsetting the apple cart. Someone not afraid to take a gamble and tell the truth. Someone with name recognition who is seen as a leader and who is fearless.

Enter Donald Trump.

So today I found myself in downtown Phoenix, indelible 100 degree plus temperatures to see and hear the Donald expound on his views and why he wants to be the President of the United states of america of America. I was not disappointed. While standing in line I met several Americans who spoke of change. Who told me that they had never been much involved in politics, but were then worried about the future of America they felt compelled to come out and listen to this different kind of candidate.
These were normal people from all walks of life. All that I met were very friendly, very polite. All with ane thing in common. An understanding that America is in trouble. That we are in danger of losing this great country.
At that place was a general understanding that nosotros are the sleeping behemothic that has now been awoken.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump finishes up speaking before a crowd of 3,500 Saturday, July 11, 2015, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)

Trump came out and spoke of immigration problems, of his views and in a directly attack, how the media lies. He actually pointed to them directly and said "you lie" and "you manipulate the truth to brand conservatives look bad and to fool the people". He went on to say that he is PRO immigration, just for LEGAL immigration. How he loved the Mexican people and vowed that he would win the hispanic vote.

He spoke of leadership, economics, and American exceptionalism. He spoke of the innocent Americans killed past illegals.  Liberals who sheltered them. Political correctness run a muck. He explained that he was his ain man. That aye he donated to Democrats, he too donated to Republicans.

He only acknowledged 2 opponents. Jeb and Hillary. Stating his opposition to common core, weak immigration policies and how Hillary Clinton was the worst secretary of state EVER!

But what struck me was that Trump was but maxim what was on his heed. He did not utilize a teleprompter, it was non carefully scripted. He spoke like a leader. He spoke of how he wants to gear up an America that is cleaved. How we notwithstanding are a great nation only that we are at risk.

He did not convince me that he was 100% the human for the chore, but he made a skillful case for himself. Simply I felt something. The people were excited. people were smile, people had hope. The people are prepare for a change. And guess what, we do non want merely another establishment lackey. We are tired of the lies and manipulations by our politicians. It is fourth dimension to blow up the establishment and send them a signal.

We are tired of political definiteness. We are tired of worrying about who we might offend. Nosotros are tired of America losing its standing equally the leader of the free world. We are tired of the government non upholding the constitution. We want modify.

America is ripe for real change, for a leader who has no fear. A leader who does not need to answer to the establishment.
One who will take risks to right this sinking send.

From what I saw today. Donald Trump might just catch the imagination of America. He might attract the low information voter who will vote for him just because he is famous. If he does he can get all the fashion. There is a keen need for a existent leader right at present who can fix the economy, fix clearing, put the media in its identify and downsize Washington.

Donald Trump might be that person.

I will not mind seeing the modernistic GOP destroyed and reformatted.
This Pirate thinks it is time.


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