The Truman Family of Portsmouth, Ohio Models for Best Christmas Pageant Ever

Imogene (Maggie Titus) tears up during Christmas pageant.

PastElizabeth Roberts-Zibbel
HYT Lath Member
BG Independent News contributor

At a Horizon Youth Theatre board coming together over the summer, someone casually mentioned that Black Swamp Players would once once again exist producing the one act holiday play The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, based on the children's novel of the aforementioned name by Barbara Robinson. There were excited gasps and clapping, and I believe I may have squealed. Full disclosure: yes, I am on the HYT Board. Aye, I am an occasional contributor and advertisement director for BG Independent News. And yes, I did get a role in the play, along with the rest of my family.

In 2013 and 2014, Guy and Janet Zimmerman directed the play, and the two productions had many repeat actors, though only Bob Walters kept the aforementioned role (Charlie) both years. Johanna Slembarski played the narrator and wise young protagonist Beth, and the next year played the antagonist, snobby cigar-smoking Imogene Herdman. Stephanie Truman had the role of adult protagonist Grace Bradley in 2013, and the side by side year played the antagonist Helen Armstrong. My entire family unit was in the 2014 production too. For many of us, Pageant was our kids' first theatre experience, a sort of "gateway play" to a happy, artistic futurity of beingness thoroughly immersed in children's theatre.

The Players decided to take a break from Pageant for a few years, and then equally to not over saturate the Christmas play market which would surely cause attendance to dwindle. But 3 years take passed, then the time for this spirited family friendly one-act has come around once more. This year information technology is being helmed by Keith Guion, who often directs and leads workshops for Horizon Youth Theatre. Stage Managing director is Macey Bradam, Wendy Guion is Queen of Props, and Producer is BSP regular Melissa Kidder. Most of the developed actors happen to be HYT board members as well every bit parents of children who were bandage (the exception being Linda Lee who has the role of Helen Armstrong). New HYT Board President Thomas Edge was given the role of Bob Bradley and his married woman Trinidad Linares gets a line as Mrs. Clausing (their daughter Ligaya is in the Angel Choir). Anybody'south favorite director Cassie Greenlee, whose concluding HYT production was the wonderfully received All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, is playing overwhelmed first time Pageant director Grace Bradley (Cassie will also exist directing the upcoming BSP musical Hugger-mugger Garden).

Calista Wilkins, Eli Marx, and Thomas Border every bit the Bradleys discuss the Herdman kids around the dinner table.

As I did in 2014, I get to play gossipy Edna McCarthy, who seems to take some competitive green-eyed of Grace and causes major chaos in a specially fun and raucous scene. Keith gave me permission to play her younger and hipper this time, and we changed her start name to Edie. My bio even states "I will be the best tattooed and pierced church lady ever." John Roberts-Zibbel, who played Bob in the 2014 product, is Reverend Hopkins this time effectually, and our daughters Alexandra and Isobel play Lily in the Angel Choir and Hobie Clark, respectively. Michael Walters is playing a fire fighter and his married woman Karen is providing pianoforte accompaniment and nursing duty for wheelchair-bound Helen Armstrong (their daughters Rose and Alice are in the Affections Choir). Haley Wilkins, mom of Calista and Emy, is enjoying her first fourth dimension on stage instead of backstage, playing Jane Clark; her husband Jason is the other fire fighter called to the scene at the church building, and he just happens to be an actual BG fire fighter. Rachel Rogel, mom of littlest baby angel Devin, reprises her part as Irma Slocum.

This production truly is a family affair. In add-on to the four participating families, Cassie also happens to be Keith's daughter. (Keith's final BSP offering, Seussical the Musical, starred his son Jeffrey Guion as Cat in the Hat and Cassie every bit the Whoville Mayor's wife, and they both were perfect for those roles – acting, singing, and beloved of theatre do seem to be genetic.) There are likewise a huge number of child actors in Pageant. Fifty eager, talented kids tried out and 32 were bandage, with the leads going to Calista Wilkins as Beth Bradley; Eli Marx every bit her brother Charlie; and Maggie Titus (Imogene), Vance Weaver (Ralph), Bella Truman (Ollie), Drew Thomas (Leroy), Jonah Truman (Claude), and Emy Wilkins (Gladys) as the notorious Herdmans. Sophia Nelson plays the pious old Mary, Alice Wendleken, and Anna Reid is Maxine, the narrator of the Pageant. Isobel Roberts-Zibbel plays the irreverent discusser of underwear Hobie Clark; Gavin Miller is Elmer Hopkins, the government minister's son and reluctant erstwhile Joseph. They both become bathrobe-wearing shepherds along with Charlie and Daisy (Addie Smith) despite the insistence of all four that they won't exist shepherds considering Gladys Herdman "hits as well hard."

Angel Choir kids are Lauren Peppers (Beverly), Alice Walters (Doris), Emily Coan, Mary Helen DeLisle, Ligaya Edge, Sophia Kelly, Katherine Parish, Adam Proulx, Alexandra Roberts-Zibbel, Paige Suelzer, Lola Truman, Kaitlyn Valantine, and Rose Walters. The Baby Angels are Izzy Milks, Sophia Milks, Claire Nelson, Leah Peppers, Amy Reid, Quinn Valantine, besides as the youngest, adorable four twelvemonth quondam Devin Rogel (older brother Liam, in 4th grade, has a great role as young Les in BGHS's Newsiesand and so took a laissez passer on Pageant this time). Well-nigh of the children, ranging in age from 4 to 14, nourish Bowling Light-green Schools, but Otsego is also well represented and ane student attends Toledo Schoolhouse for the Arts.

We'd like to give thanks Woodland Mall for providing our early rehearsal infinite, Starting time United Methodist for the use of their stage, and of form the Black Swamp Players for working with us and providing a rare opportunity for parents and their kids to all be in a production together.

Shows are Dec 1 – 3: Friday and Sabbatum at seven:00 pm, and Sunday at 2:00 pm at Showtime United Methodist Church on E Wooster Street in Bowling Light-green. There volition be an intermission after the play is complete, and following that is a Christmas Radio Play, which also features HYT participants Bob Walters and Terra Sloane, who coincidentally played Charlie and Beth in 2014'southward Pageant. Tickets are available at the door, or online at world wide

And then dig out your recipe for absurdity cake, brush up on your carols, and set up to come across the familiar Christmas Story in a whole new light as "the worst kids in the whole history of the world" catch on to the wonder and mystery of the truthful pregnant of Christmas.


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